Time: 4:41
What's left of Hurricane Sandy has been raining and sleeting on my plot. The sun really hasn't been out all day. It's 42º out right now. The day length is 10 hours & 23 minutes from sunrise to sunset. There is wind going about 7 mph from the north.
leaves in the wind-blown grass
plowed soybean field
grass clippings/branches
daisies, fallen leaves, (I found out that the purple flowers are chicory) & clover
me realizing that I probably should have done this field study earlier, when the weather was better
these are the tall plants behind the clippings pile (I finally had the courage to go back here) - I found out that there isn't much evidence of larger animals (snakes, birds, bats)
I think that there's a critter living in these holes because it looks very "cleared out" and it goes very deep into the ground
more plants behind everything & I think there are milkweed bolls in the top left
wheat-type plant, more chicory, dandelions & fallen leaves
fallen leaves in puddles
jOut on my plot, I didn't hear much of anything except for the rain. There weren't any birds, grasshoppers or crickets today. There weren't even worms at the bottom of the puddles. I didn't see anything living except for the plants. It smelled like rain and leaves. The animal holes seem to be everywhere, but I've never seen the actual critters. I wish I would have done my visit earlier because the weather was very wet and cold and windy.