Sunday, October 14, 2012

Visit #3

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time: 5:05

It rained a lot earlier today and almost all of yesterday. The sun was out for a while when I was out on my plot, but then it became cloudy again. It's 70ยบ out right now. The day length is 11 hours 5 minutes from sunrise to sunset. There is wind coming from the south/southwest at about 9 mph. 

 grass clippings pile
 cloudy sky 

 not sure what type of plants these are

 grainy plants
 beetle on a dandelion
 wild strawberry plant
 daisies & clover in a puddle
my rain boots in a very deep puddle

Out on my plot, I heard some crickets. I also heard some birds and I think there's a nest somewhere in the really tall brush. There wasn't as much life as before, but I still saw plenty of crickets, bees, flies and grasshoppers. I actually saw the water in the sunken down part behind the pile. I could smell the after-rain worm-y type smell. I saw even more evidence of critters because there are a lot of animal holes back there. It was great to be outside after the storm was over.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures again! Good work. Great observing! Your video does not work for me so come see me on that so we can get you some bonus credit yet.
