Saturday, September 29, 2012

Visit #2

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Time: 10:35

It hasn't rained for a couple of days, but right now it's a bit cloudy and there seems to be rain on the way. It's 65ยบ out right now. The day length is 11 hours 48 minutes from sunrise to sunset. There is wind coming from the Northeast at about 4 mph.

                                                         newly plowed soybean field

                                                                  evidence of moles?

                                                                 Queen Anne's lace
 Out on my plot, I saw and heard a lot of different kinds of insects today. I definitely heard the crickets and saw some butterflies and grasshoppers. There were also a lot of honeybees, flies and spiders. The water wasn't visible because the grass is so dense, but the ground is really spongy in that area. I also saw evidence of some moles and muskrats. I couldn't smell much because I have a cold right now, but it was still a beautiful day to be outside.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Good work with some identification. Is your "butterfly" a butterfly or a do you know? Any idea what your blue flower is? Keep watching for changes now...especially patterns. Great work!
