Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Visit #6

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Time: 4:38
It's been sunny today, but last weekend there was little patches of snow all over my plot. There are a few darker clouds in the sky. It's 34ยบ (BRR!) outside. The day length is 9 hours & 22 minutes from sunrise to sunset. Thewind is going about 7 mph from the west.
view #1
view #2

view #3

view #4

one of the few green plants

there was a lot of water back here, but not as much as there was on Sunday
the green algae - not nearly as much as there was

a very brown plant "skeleton" 

the grass is pretty tall here
what's left of the daisy plants

the very brown, large plants 
a little dandelion puff
a feather I found on my plot
Out on my plot today, the only things I could hear were the birds that were flying around that hang out in the really tall plants behind the clippings pile. They all flew away when I got there, but there were at least 10. There were no bugs or chirping of bugs today that I noticed. It smelled like winter air. The algae was still there behind the pile and the water smelled like it had been there, not moving, for quite some time. 

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